All the 52 weeks in a year is accessible with the slider and each week can be edited individually. Of course, it is easy to schedule classes through more weeks at once from any to any. Clicking on the scheduled class you get additional edit menu - there you can add, delete or edit existing class.
There is always a way to customize your view onto the schedule or to change booking type colors. You can change almost every aspect of the schedule presentation, so it conforms to your organisation or rules. Here you see that the first day of week can be also Saturday or Sunday, if you prefer.
One click is needed to publish schedule to the web page (on Wise Technologies cloud). Access to any part of schedule can be restricted with passwords. Online lectures can be accessed directly from links published.
Complete school is visible in web rooms overview. Here you can also show which classes are online,or with only a lecturer in a classroom or combined. Students and lecturers can see a school code,they can use for mobile apps.
All the bookings can be done either from PC desktop (administration) application or from the Wise Timetable web application. Authentication can be internal (user,pass), LDAP (org. active directory) or Single-sign-on (Shibboleth). You can see that there are many options for repetitive bookings, confirmations by email and booking types.
If you have a lot of classrooms or buildings, there are many options for filtering the classrooms (by location or equipment) and also for displaying different types of calendars for individual classrooms (e.g. monthly, weekly, daily). From any of these calendars you can make bookings (if have authorisation for that room).
Probably, there is no any other timetabling application, providing this number of constraints for automatic timetabling (and also other parameters). Practically any timing, any dependency on equipment or attribute or any relation between different courses can be defined here. You can combine automatic and manual timetabling.
If you want to schedule a class you can easily see where are an empty places (without conflicts) or only simulate various combinations of lecturers, students, classrooms, and see when they are all free. It is possible to enter schedules for several weeks (or various week combinations) at once, as well.
It is easy to view your timetable by any entity - quickly switch to rooms, lecturers, courses, individual students... At once you can see the whole week but also more general views are available (like all the rooms or lecturers at once).
If you want to move scheduled class to other hour or day, just click on it and software will show you places without conflicts with others. During the process you can choose to stay in the same classroom or change it to other
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